Behavioural, emotional, social difficulties ...
The nature and range of behavioural emotional and social difficulties
Behavioural emotional and social, difficulties may become apparent in the following ways: ƒ
age inappropriate behaviour or that which seems otherwise socially inappropriate or strange; ƒ
behaviour which interferes with the learning of the pupil or their peers (e.g. persistent calling out in class, refusal to work, persistent annoyance of peers); ƒsigns of emotional turbulence (e.g. unusual tearfulness, withdrawal from social situations); ƒdifficulties in forming and maintaining positive relationships (e.g. isolation from peers, aggressiveness to peers and adults).
When these difficulties arise, we may bring them to the attention of other pupils and punish. If a child made a mistake in maths would we do the same?
Behavioural, emotional and social difficulties (BESD) can be due to an environmental factor/ medical need. Children are learning everyday, and some children may make mistakes with their behavour, emotions and social behaviours. School is a ideal place to learn how to behave, how to react, how to recognise feelings and communicate with others.
Provision for BESD in the classroom:
Good modelling of behaviour.
Manage your own emotional responses.
Ensure there is quality first teaching in the classroom- sharp objectives, good assessment for learning, differentiation, time to engage.
Use positive communcation.
An understanding of what is coming next.
Clear expectations.
Rewards and consequences.
An environment where we learn from our mistakes.
Time to think/ talk/ be quiet.
Adapting your classroom environment.
Give children time to develop their social and emotional needs.
'Teach' behaviour.
Use a TA to support behaviour in the classroom, time to talk, verbal reminders, intervener.
Escape a blame culture- think about what happened and what could be done next time/ should have been done.
Have strategies for emotional outbursts.
Build positive relationships with pupils.
Consider what happens in unstructured times.
* Framework 4 intervention is a super self help intervention that considers the environment in which the behaviour is in-