Characteristics of dyslexia ...
May have had hearing or speech difficultes at an early age.
Finds spelling and reading difficult.
Puts letters and figures the wrong way round.
Confuses b and d and words such as on and no.
Takes a long time to write things down.
Written work does not match oral language skills.
Unable to copy from the board successfully.
Struggles with handwriting - letters and numbers.
Needs lots of support to complete written activities.
Has difficulty remembering sequences and facts.
Finds it hard to remember spoken instructions.
Has difficulty hearing sounds - p,f,v ,th.
Uses bizarre spellings, omits letters or puts them in the wrong order.
Has problems understanding what he/she has read.
Problems with sight vocabulary and phonic development.
Mispronounces words or sometimes jumbled.
May appear to learn things, but forget everything the next day.
Can have poor concentration or gets tired easily.
Has difficulty tying shoes laces, dressing, cutting.
Surprises you because in other ways she/he is bright and alert.
Can lack confidence and has a poor self image.
Has difficulty in remembering and organising.
Dislikes reading and writing.
Messy work with lots of attempts, uses the rubber lots!
Has problems with co-ordination - left/ right, up/down.
Can be very artistic and creative.
May have tantrums/ signs of frustration for no given reason.
May not want to go to school.
What does it feel like to be dyslexic? What should you do if you think your child or pupil is a dyslexic learner?
Watch the video to see what you SHOULD and SHOULD NOT do!
Bristol Dyslexia Centre has devised an online questionnaire to see if you have any indications of dyslexia. All you have to do is click on your age group, answer ALL the questions and then submit your answers to the hairy experts!
If you have concerns about a child speak to your special needs co-ordinator (SENCo) or class teacher. You can request an assessment from an educational psychologist (be aware this may take time).Alternatively contact Brian for free, friendly advice.